Sunday, 17 January 2016

Creepy crawlies

Yesterday I saw a spider scuttle across the carpet and disappear under my bed.   Despite a vigorous search and investigation with the vacuum cleaner I have been unable to find it.   So I spent a restless night as I imagined that black spider crawling across my face.  And that tickle on my leg was....well, no, it wasn't!  At around 3am I scrambled on the floor with a torch, convinced that black spot was the spider, but no... no spider has appeared.
 I hate creepy crawlies and could certainly not live in this house.   Could you?  This might be supposed to be a grasshopper but it looks to me like an extraordinary large size weta.   They are Native to New Zealand and made famous by Weta Workshop, the visual effects company responsible for the success of all those wonders in the The Lord of The Rings trilogy.


Pamela said...

I don't mind spiders. I kind of like them actually. I think they eat flies and other bugs. I wouldn't wnat that big bug thing on my house. What I really hate are mice. Luckily in four years, I've not seen one in Hokkaido.

cucki said...

In our house in Africa we have lots of creepy babies..but sometime when they come in ..I try my best to help them to go out of the house ..I jump here and there with them..sweet ❤️

stitchersanon said...

I love spiders..they eat the more harmful pests you get in homes. But then again, I like Tigers, snakes and lions too. Anything with the potential to kill me is fine: show me an earthworm though and I'll show you dust!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I was thinking "why is she fussing over a spider?" Then I remembered the sort of spiders you have in your neck of the woods!

blue star stitcher said...

I think if we all knew how many bugs were actually in our houses none of us would get any sleep. I just try and remind myself that so many of them (like spiders) are beneficial.