I have pulled out my "Anne" book and want to try and get it finished this year. The fun part is deciding on the various quotations that I am putting on each page. There are more pages to finish yet but this is a shot of the ones so far.

Oh how I love that book - each time I dip into its pages I have the most wonderful journey down memory lane and am transported back to the comfy chair in my parents lounge where I first curled up to read the adventures of Anne Shirley. Sorry the photo is not clickable - I don't know how to do that.
On Saturday I spent a wonderful hour or two going through my charts to find something suitable for a "winter exchange" and somehow got waylaid:-) I began a list of "what I want to stitch in 2010" but it grew too long too fast so after some deliberation I managed to reduce it to two large projects "Christmas Quaker" from Weihenburg Samplers, "Historic Countries Mystery Sampler" from The Gift of Stitching, and then some smaller projects and exchanges as they occur. This will keep me busy I'm sure. There are two WIP's to complete as well - ABeCeDaire and The Queen's Sweet Bag - perhaps over the summer holidays here I can make good progress.
Have a happy evening everybody.