The Gift of Stitching biscornu is now fully finished. I have to say the unusual geometry of this almost defeated me at the sewing together stage and there were two episodes of reverse stitching but the end result was worth the angst. I rather like this and the way that four smaller squares make up one face. My display cabinet now has another resident :)

And I have made another start. It was the seemingly vast quantity of high count linen in my stash that inspired spurred nudged me into action. If I don’t stitch this up now I won’t be able to see to use it and that would be an expensive mistake. So out came a piece of 36 count Edinburgh linen and I tacked out the sizes for five small bags. The first is started - a mixtures of stitches but mainly cross stitch and beads. I’m determined this will be all stitched from stash so as I don’t have beads the correct or near enough colours I used Smyrna crosses. So far so good but definitely hard on the eyes. I'm doing the hemstitched channel for the draw cord at present. The 36 count linen doesn't look so fine in the close up shot of the hemstitching but believe me it is !!

A recent visit to the library led me to the magazine displays and I found a copy of Homespun, an Australian handwork magazine. I was drawn to the odd shape “noodle bag” in the copy I borrowed and think that I might use my piece of 50 count linen for this So in the wet weather of the last couple of days I added "measure out for noodle bag” to the list and to my joy found that I have ample fabric. In the fullness of time you might yet see the bag appear on this blog :)
But there is sewing to finish, baking to do, cleaning to complete etc etc I should be busy all day tomorrow as today I spent mowing the lawn and tidying up the garden - flowers and vegetables. The broccoli seedlings have their own little 'house' of insect proof mesh to stop the white butterflies laying eggs for hungry green caterpillars :-) My neighbour kindly gave me some fresh sweet corn today and I enjoyed it with my dinner tonight. He has a very large garden which reminds me of Mr McGregor's so much so that I expect to see Peter Rabbit appear at any minute. He grows more variety in his garden than I do so he gives me some of his surplus and I bake him scones and biscuits - works well for both of us :)