Tuesday 28 February 2017

Free at last.

Today I was given the green light to shed my splint:-).  I carefully checked with the hand therapist whether I would be allowed to stitch (although I fully intended to do so anyway) and was given permission.
So I have made a start on the last panel of the Heirloom Nativity Sampler.   Despite looking longingly through my stash I decided that I needed to finish off current projects so will make an effort on this one.  Maybe before my Easter holiday I can complete it?

Sunday 26 February 2017

Japan Day 2017

Today I caught the bus into the city as Japan Day was being held on the waterfront.   I was amazed at how many people were there.  
Several younger women were in beautiful summer yukata.  Some older women demonstrating ikebana and tea ceremony wore elegant and more formal kimono but I could only manage to snap these.

All around the venue were stalls selling food and the smells were a nostalgic reminder of summer festivals in Japan.   I felt as if I had travelled back in time!
Crepes -  paper thin

Tornado Potatoes -  Spiral cut on a skewer and deep fried
Even the lanterns strung up were reminiscent of summer festivals!
It was a fun afternoon - but that is enough photos for one day :-)

Thursday 23 February 2017

And now for a change

Despite a black silicon splint I have managed to make progress.  Reverse stitching has been frustrating though and so I have decided this piece will go to Time Out.  
My physiotherapist tells me that next Tuesday we can celebrate a separation from the splint and then she will give me a stress ball to squeeze and thereby strengthen my hand.   I could have done with stress ball in the last five weeks!  Anyway I will forgo stitching until then and meanwhile spend evenings poring over sorting through some boxes from the stash cupboard.   If I can't stitch easily I can still dream big!   I feel the need for something other than cross stitch so watch this space!

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Bugs in the night


I have always worried that I wouldn't wake in the night of the DBEM called out.  However last night a small "event" confirmed that I could and in fact did.
At a little after 2am the DBEM called out to me that there was a large black cricket in the bathroom.  Could I come and dispose of it.  
Rather disbelieving and half asleep I stumbled through to the bathroom and looked for said cricket.   New spectacles or not I couldn't see anything until a slight tickle at my bare feet revealed a large cockroach.

Already dopey from the DBEM's lavish application of insect spray, the poor creature couldn't run fast enough to escape.  Once disposed of we both returned to bed where snores soon emerged from her bedroom while I lay awake for ages imagining my home invaded by both black crickets and brown cockroaches!

Sunday 12 February 2017

An exercise in frustration

I am almost at the point of no more stitching till the splint is removed.   So much time is spent reversing!  

Never before has my trusty "reversing tool" had quite so much use.   But the physiotherapist says another 3-4 weeks and I cannot possibly go that long with no stitching so.....onwards I plod.

Friday 10 February 2017

A necessary farewell.

For many years now the DBEM has repeatedly told me I wear my clothes "just too long".   She's not talking about the length of the hem :-)
Yesterday a favourite skirt did this to me.   Or maybe I did this to the skirt?
Whatever, having given me at least eleven summers of wear this is now a necessary farewell!

Sunday 5 February 2017

Desire outruns performance

For the past two weeks it has been frustrating me that I can't stitch freely.   The large motif of the left has been reversed and restitched multiple times.   But after a sprint to the finish yesterday my hand is sore and no stitching tonight.  Just a photo:-)

Saturday 4 February 2017

A Trip to the City

Today I caught the bus into the City armed with my trusty shopping list.
First up was the optometrist to get my replacement spectacles underway. Surprise!  The insurance company had already been in contact and everything was in process.  Great, I will have them in two weeks.
Next I wanted a mini loaf tin.  Just one, not four, but these are sold in sealed plastic bubbles as sets of four.  Bother, I crossed that off the list and left them in the store.  Specialty kitchen shop or not I didn't want four!
But I did want a Lid Sid.  Do you know what he is?
I didn't realise he came as a twin.  Do you know now what they do?
Another clue
And here's the explanation. 
And now I'm about to do some stitching.   Perhaps a shot of that tomorrow.