Sunday 25 April 2010

Brown Rabbit Red Sky

Last night I sat up late stitching this little Rabbit for the Brides Tree SAL. He is a mixture from several Quaker charts I have in my collection but I am rather pleased. I intend to finish all 12 of these Brides Tree ornaments in Christmas fabric when they are all done and meanwhile they are merely a growing pile in my workbasket.

And tonight was this beautiful sunset. So tomorrow will be another golden autumn day?!

Have a good evening everyone.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Today's surprise in the mail

Today my mother collected this package from the local Postshop. When she phoned me she sounded really excited - the mail brought this package all the way from Siberia. Olya told me she had mailed this in February and I secretly thought it might have got lost - but no this wonderful package took the long route to New Zealand.
Olya, my mother says you have beautiful handwriting! I have whited out some parts to maintain privacy.
And when the string was cut and the oiled paper unfolded inside was this - in all the rich jewel colours I always associate with Russia.

After peeling off another a shiny rainbow of threads, braids, beads, colourful fabric, a small keyring kit were revealed.
And some chocolate too. Inside the glittery gold drawstring bag was hiding this wonderful hanging. This hanging is a design of Olya's and I suspect the beads might be handmade too. What a wonderful surprise. Thank you so very much Olya. You are so very kind and I wish I could write thankyou in Russian.

Sunday 18 April 2010

DMC Pearl Cotton + 30 ct R&R Reproductions Linen = "this"

Good evening one and all. I have had a busy weekend. Saturday was spent shopping to find an outfit to wear to my niece's wedding. Success on that front - with many thanks to Rose at Cachet. Your help was much appreciated. The afternoon was spent baking - chocolate chip cookies, ginger cookies and walnut surprise slice (which will certainly be a surprise as I didn't have enough walnuts so added almonds as well!).

And finally some stitching ....While this still needs a good press and a tassel trim added the needlebook is now finished.

This needlebook was done as a class at Embroiderers Guild many years ago (2001 to be precise) and although this is the fourth one I have made I do not have one myself! How sad is that? If you look here you can see one I made in lilac some time ago. Anyway, here's the result of my first stitch on R&R Reproductions linen - I love the colour and am really pleased with finished product. Thanks again for this linen Diana - it was a real treat.

This is the front cover, and a close up shot to show you the flower which was reversed stitched three times until I found my rhythm!! The whole needlebook is done on one piece of linen and then folded and the edge picot done in a variation of nun stitch. All in all there are quite a few different stitches in this one and I enjoyed the change from cross stitching.

There are two doctors flannel "pads" inside to hold the needles (and the inside back and front covers are decorated too)

And the back has the year in Palestrina Knots as well as another "flower".

Now please don't remind me that I mentioned something about rotations to complete my UFO's!! Last night while watching the final in this years series of Midsomer Murders I started another project - this. As it is destined for a gift I cannot say much but this wrinkly shot doesn't give too many clues. This is 32 count Belfast Linen in a dark blue (much prettier than this shot) and I am stitching with DMC Perle 12 thread. So far there is nothing but foursided stitch which is MOST repetitive. I have one month to finish this and get it mailed to ...... so you watch this space for future updates.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

At last - and not least

At last I have got my hand on the book that Anna introduced here. I started reading as I walked back up the street from the bookshop - in the fading light at 5pm!

And not least is an update on the beautiful "Morning Fog" R&R linen which is slowly but surely turning into ........this. The colour is not very clear but what else can you expect when the light has faded - Autumn is here now and daylight hours are limited.
Hope you all have a good evening

Wednesday 7 April 2010

A surprise package

Look what the mailman brought me today - all the way from USA. Dear Marne Parry from The Crazy Exchange sent me a gorgeous table runner which looks perfect on my dining room table. And she included some welcome extras. Thank you Marne - I love my surprise. Now I will have to put my thinking cap on for the return :-)

And look at the progress on the Morning Fog. What will this turn into I wonder? I'm off to add some more to this tonight so look out for an update.

Our temperatures are dropping daily so I will be able to wear the hdhbeM cardigan soon. Why oh why do I sound so happy to say goodbye to summer?
Have a good evening everyone.

Monday 5 April 2010

A Productive Weekend

Good afternoon all. In New Zealand we have had a four day long weekend for Easter and I must admit it has felt like a mini-holiday. Over the four days I have accomplished almost everything off my list (and a few extras!).

First the collaborative cardigan is now complete. Many thanks to the hdhbeM who did the bulk of the knitting.

Second the Birthday Kiss for my niece-in-law (she doesn't read this blog) is stitched. Looks a little like a plum pudding to me but seems it's supposed to be a birthday cake and that blue spike on top is a candle. I might not recognise that but the white Hershey's tag is hard to miss. Now to decide how I will finish this. I stitched on Edinburgh cream linen with DMC floss and a gold metallic highlight - too late in the day for a good photo of this sorry.

Third the grey pin stripe skirt is sewn and just needs to have the hem done.

Fourth the garden has been cleared and dug over ready for Autumn planting

Fifth the garage got a complete Spring Clean - yes yes yes I know it's now Autumn but it didn't get done in the Spring :-(

And finally the linen and threads are ready for a new start. Diana J kindly sent me this beautiful linen- next time we have a morning fog I will try to remember that this is the colour I am seeing - isn't it beautiful and I love the darker watermark effect from the hand dyeing. Watch this space to see what this will turn into.
Hhave a good evening one and all.

Friday 2 April 2010

ABeCeDaire Progress Report

I'm pleased to say that DEF is now done and I can see the end of the tunnel! While I like the effect of this it has been a real labour to get it done this far. But now I seem to have reached the point where I can dream of what next. But in saying that I will have a break next week to sew up the cardigan started on 4th March and which has been a collaborative effort with the hdhbeM - see here
Have a good evening everyone - I'll be back soon