Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Monday, 29 December 2008
After Christmas
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Twin Angels
Monday, 22 December 2008
Wallet Wins!!
Friday, 19 December 2008
Dandelion Clock Almost Final Report & Brainwashing Wallet Part 1
Now for the saga with Wallet whom you have met before here.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Some more M's
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
M M M and more M
And finally for today this is my Reward M. I bought this for myself as a reward for dropping 10 kilos in weight when I first joined the gym. It is handmade from New Zealand Kauri and I love it still.
Dandelion Clock Progress Report #2
The other three quarters are not so interesting as they are only "tufts" and numbers but of course have to be placed accurately which entails lots of tacking and checking!
Yesterday I bought a notebook and made a list - in order of 'must be done' - of all the stitching promises I have made so far. There are four "musts" that I need to do before shoulder surgery on January 21. Far from being depressing this has been a great exercise and I am energised and organised - which is of course good.
Tonight Mother and I are going to the Auckland Choral Society annual production of Handel's Messiah. We go every year and thoroughly enjoy it. Will report tomorrow!
Monday, 15 December 2008
HELP Please I'm going MAD
I stitched a small ..... well I can't exactly say what as its an exchange gift - and I wanted to finish it as a triangular hanging ornament thingy. Well I was a mathematics teacher so I know how to draw up accurate triangles and did that. Wonderful! Next made the back - fabric covered part. Mutter mutter - aah aah -moan moan but it got done with around 85% satisfaction.
Then the front - the embroidered part. How does one lace the linen into a triangle shape and get sharp corners not these confounded rounded ones. Louder and louder mutters, then even louder and louder mutters, then groans, then tears, etc etc You get the picture right. I'm sure you heard the sobs in Alaska as I threw the wretched thing into the rubbish. I will now stitch another and this will be finished as a square or a circle. I can do those!!
How on earth do all you clever clever people out there make triangle shaped ornaments. I know you must because The Cricket Club has a neat chart of "Kisses" all finished as blessed triangles. I have the chart, the threads, the linen, the cardboard, the pellon, the inclination BUT obviously not the skill to put the things together. Anyone out there got a tutorial for the simple minded but nearly insane Margaret???
We had our company Christmas party at a restaurant down on Auckland Wharf. Beautiful night it was too so here's a snap.
Signups still open for the Blogaversary - here.
Friday, 12 December 2008
Message from my busy mailman
"Ah ha", Mr Mailman says I. "You need to learn to stitch and you need to learn to blog and you need to meet all the wonderful people I've met."
"You've met all these people? " Mr Mailman sounded a little disbelieving.
"Well, not exactly met" I had to confess.
"Then how come they send you gifts?" he asked
"That's because the are all GSASB (Generous Spirited Amazing Stitching Bloggers)" I explained and quickly took my package.
Well, to be honest little in the above is true except for the GSASB part. Yesterday a surprise package from Carol on the Crazy Exchange arrived. Carol has to be one of the top 10 GSASB people! She made me an absolutely exquisite Christmas Ornament that quickly found a home right at the front of my Christmas Tree so I can enjoy it. Isn't it really neat? And there is a cute little star button right in the top. I love it.
Don't forget to leave a comment and mention blogaversary if you want to be in for the draw.
I put details here.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Blogaversary Mystery Giveaway
Dandelion Clock Progress
Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Santa Staci's Scissors
Monday, 8 December 2008
A New Start
A great Kiwi weekend!
What am I supposed to do with candy canes, chocolates, ribbon and those funny Christmas paper bags?
Now I can sit back and relax. No? There's more? Goodness me, no wonder she asked for help.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Christmas Exchanges
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Two reasons for the Happy Dance
Speaking of rivals for affection brings me to the other reason for the happy dance. Totally unrelated to stitching. I went to see Quantum of Solace - for some reason I love James Bond movies - I scrunch my eyes during the shootouts, gasp during the car chase, ooh and aah as the baddies get their dues, oh la la at Bond (how could M be so harsh - doesn't she just melt inside?). Fortunately my pacemaker has an accelerometer and it sure speeds up as I mentally tick off the list to make sure they include all the classic Bond ingredients :-)
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Some more stash!
In the New Year I will get this and several others to the framer.
And then yesterday a package arrived which delighted me and at the same time increased the stress of an already bulging "must do" pile. Don't you think these are wonderful?
Monday, 1 December 2008
I've been tagged
Post the rules on your blog
Write 6 random things about yourself
Tag 6 people at the end of your post
Let each person they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Let the tagger know that your entry is posted on your blog
So here we go!
1. I hated foreign languages at school but I am fluent in Japanese!
2. I think Roger Moore was the best James Bond - I've seen all the movies and tomorrow I go to see Quantum of Solace.
3. I have an American made cardiac pacemaker implanted- does that mean I can get a Green Card?
4. My favourite childhood book was Anne of Green Gables - followed closely by Little Women.
5. Given a choice of tea or coffee I usually ask for water.
6. My first love in music is Country and Western, but I love Mozart, Bach and Handel. How bizarre is that?
I am tagging
Olenka Her needlework is fantastic and I want to know more about her
Carol R Carol's photography is brilliant - maybe I will learn how she got to be so good
Tammie Tammie is so busy with her family and yet she still has time for stitching and knitting How does she do it?
Cheryl Cheryl's baby is almost due and so before she gets busy I'd like to hear more about her
Staci I know Staci is an angel but is there anything else she can tell me?
Hola If you haven't visited her blog you should!! And Google Translate will help you with the language. Her photographed work is inspiring!!
Good luck to all I've tagged.
Christmas Ornament received
Friday, 28 November 2008
Quaker Ornament finished
Thursday, 27 November 2008
It will officially be Summer next week!!
I thought you might like to see the little Christmas Box I made for Taija in the Crazy Exchange. She lives in Finland and I stupidly thought the parcel of goodies might not get there till nearer December 25. But as always, the Post Office are not predictable and Taija received her box of goodies this week. Included with the usual chocolates, candy etc etc there was this little box. It originated as a Louis Vuitton box (from which my boss had extracted a wallet) - Yes! My box fetish is known even at work! But some cross stitching, some felt and a little time turned it into a sneaky peeky Christmas Box filled with bath items. You can see the other pictures on Taija's blog here. Like me you might not be able to read Finnish but now you know the story you can guess the rest from the snaps and see yet another box I scored from a colleague!
A few steps past a floss toss
There has been no stitching for the past couple of days. I have driven to Wellington and back (8 hours each way) for the funeral of a family friend so there hasn't been time or energy. Tonight I plan to return to this - which will be a really cheerful thing to do after a dismal few days.
Monday, 24 November 2008
A surprise from Japan
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Progress reports
Thanks for all your comments about Lisa's reindeer ornament. Denise if you email me I can give you the details you wanted. Just click on the email button on the left hand side in my profile.