Thursday 11 December 2008

Blogaversary Mystery Giveaway

Whoa! This year has gone fast. Last January I stumbled into the world of Blogging Stitchers and now not only do I meet up with so many of you in UK and USA but Google Translate and I are good friends as use GT's help to read some of the French, Russian and Finnish blogs too. Let's be honest here Margaret - you are hooked big time! My stash cupboard is full to the brim, I have learned new techniques and have proudly introduced friends at Embroiderers Guild to Biscornu and Pendibuile -even if they mostly call them "those fancy little things you make Margaret"!!

So I thought long and hard about what I could do as a suitable Blogaversary Gift and then remembered this box I had stored away for a special occasion. Isn't it beautiful??? Spectaular enough for such an event. So on January 6th this blog will be one year old and as a celebration I am going to fill this box with goodies and send to one lucky person.

There is only one rule for participation: Please leave a comment on my blog mentioning that you'd like to receive the Blogaversary Giveaway. Entries close on 5 January 2009 (New Zealand time).

Under the strict but impartial supervison of my nearly deaf, half blind elderly Mother ( you don't believe me do you!!) the draw will be made (I'm assuming there will be more than one comment ;-) on 6 January (NZ time) and I will post the winner the next day. Please make sure I have an email contact so I can let the winner know.

So to all of you out there who have so enriched my life this year - a big bloggy thank you.


temari by the sea said...

I would love to join in the Blogaversary Giveaway, thank you :)

Linda in MA said...

I also would love to join your Blogaversary Giveaway. Congratulations on blogging for a year!

Melissa said...

Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary, Margaret! It's wonderful that it has give you such joy. I have only been here barely 3 months and I am enjoying it as well. I would love to be included in your draw for the giveaway. The box looks wonderful even by itself! My email can be found in my blog profile.

Thanks Margaret!

lynda said...

I would love to be included in your drawing. COngratulations on your blogoversary!

Nina said...

Happy Blogoversary!
I'd love to join too, so please, enter my name. Thank you Margaret!
My email is ninocska @ gmail . com without spaces.
Thank you!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Best wishes from Hungary,

Nic said...

I'm a proud owner of one of your pendibules, and I look at it and admire it every day :o)

I'd love to be entered in your blogoversary draw - congratulations on keeping it going for a year - it's nearly as addictive as stitching, isn't it?

Ginnie said...

I would love to be involved in your giveaway... many thanks

Nima said...

I would love to join the blogaversary giveaway. Thank you for giving us a chance

Jean said...

I would love to join you in celebrating your blogaversary! Please add me to your drawing. I hope you met lots of wonderful friends on your blog. I'm new to blogging and just love the connection to other stitchers.

Lisa V said...

Hi Margaret, I would love to go in the draw to win that lovely box of goodies. My email is in my blog profile. Cheers, Merry Christmas and Happy Blogaversary. LISA V.

Daffycat said...

That is a very beautiful box! Enter me please!


Anonymous said...

I would love to be include your drawing

staci said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! I can't wait to see what you put in that box, lol!!!

Becky K in OK said...

Hello Margaret. Please inclue me in your drawing. And an early happy blogaversary wish to you.

Carol said...

Hi - I would love to join your draw too - heck, I don't win things, so no worries to anyone - I will not jeopardize their chances - LOL!

hohla said...

Hi Margaret! Happy Blogoversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary. I would love to be in your drawing and would love anything you would send. I just wish L&P wasn't so heavy. I really miss that. Yummy.

Anonymous said...

hiya margret please please include me in your stitching goodie box.. not literally in the box lol you know what i mean i would love to be entered in the blogaversary giveaway thankyou for being such agood friend and i love your xmas ornament it looks really quite cute. take care

pj said...

Happy Blog Anniversary. I love to read your wonderful blog and keep up with all your stitching and exchanges. Thanks for entering me in your Blogaversary Giveaway. Fun! pj

Lynn B said...

Congratulations on your Bloaversary, I always enjoy reading your blog!

Carol R said...

What a special box! Please enter me into your blogaversary giveaway.

Nana's Quilts said...

It is such fun to celebrate these milestones. Many congrats on your upcoming blogaversary - and your wonderful crazy exchanges.

Nana Marne

Edgar said...

Congratulations on your upcoming Anniversary!!!! Please enter me in the Blogaversary Giveaway!!!

I love that redbird!!!

Karen said...

Congratulations on your first year of blogging :) Please enter my name in your Blogoversary Giveaway.

Nima said...

congratulations Margaret...

Please add my name for the the anniversary giveaway draw.

Happy New year

Yuko said...

Happy Blogoversary, Margaret!
And have a happy New year 2009!
2009 nen mo douzo Yoroshiku ne!

I would like to join in the giveaway, please enter me in the drawing!

Sonda said...

Happy Blogoversary! Hope you have a great new year as well!

Miokka said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary! I enjoy reading your blog! I would love to see what is in that beautiful box!