Last week I played the waiting game. The second interview for the job went well, the recruitment agency gave positive feedback and I was told to wait for a phone call on Friday. Wait I did. And wait and wait and wait... But no call. Hopefully on Monday there will be good news.
But I managed to improve the shining hour. Progress was made on A Sampler Chatelaine. I don't really like the way the verse has words split between the lines but I am following the chart and that is what the instructions say.
Also I made arrangements for Dave and John to come and do my bathroom renovations next week. We need a step in shower cubicle rather than the shower over bath arrangement we have at present as the HD3BEM isn't as limber as she once was. So on Tuesday this week we move out for five days while Dave and John get working in my bathroom. I hadn't expected they would have available time before Christmas but this has worked rather well.
One small problem however. My current project is A Sampler Chatelaine and that is far too fine for me to see by dimmer light in our temporary accommodation so I had a rapid search of the stash and found some scraps of linen and DMC perle thread and made a start on other projects to take with me.
I'm going to make three Maarken Mice as part of my donation to the sale of work at next year's Embroiderers Guild Exhibition. One has the stitching completed so I am sure I will have all three done by next weekend. These are Perle #8 on 24 count linen. Doesn't look like a mouse? It will, believe me and I will show photographic proof next week, provided I can get the small faceted beads for the eyes. Whiskers will come from a gentle raiding of the yard broom.
And I am going to use another square of fabric to make some Angel Hardanger Bookmarks. This is a Carol Pedersen design which I have stitched before. This time they are being made in 28 count linen which exactly matches the DMC 3823 Perle #8 I have in stash. Each of the centre diamonds will house a hardanger angel but I am going to do all the foundations first before stitching the 'heavenly beings'
Yesterday the HD3QBEM and I went out for a drive in the countryside to take our mind off "the phone call". We first stopped at our usual place for a sushi lunch and then on through the hills on the edge of the city until we spied this

I gingerly picked my way through the displays of antiques but no needlework boxes (my promised birthday gift) so we drove on.
Over another hill and onwards until we eventually arrived home. One of us was tired and the other grateful to have had her mind taken off her troubles! A light dinner, an hour of Midsome Murders and a good sleep has done wonders.