Friday 24 December 2010

Merry Christmas to everyone

Good evening everyone.  I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.   It has been a great year sharing with you all, keeping up with your wonderful creations and being inspired by so many new and wonderful finishes and techniques.   Thank you everyone.  

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Santa didn't get stuck at Heathrow!

Good evening all.   Santa didn't get stuck at Heathrow -  his journey from Finland to Auckland was quite successful and in our 28 degree heat his snow would all have melted.   But he did manage to bring me this beautiful heart ornament from Taija whom I met on the Crazy Exchange.   Thanks so much Taija -  I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.   Your ornament is already hanging on my tree.

And it's Good Night to all

Monday 20 December 2010

Bargello Sewing Case - FINITO

Good evening all - did you hear the Happy Dance from your place.   The Sewing Case is finito!   In the end I padded it with Doctors Flannel and lined the whole thing with cream coloured taffeta lining which gives a satisfying rustle and a hint of glamour to the inside. All in all I am quite pleased and even more so that the embedded date is quite truthful.
Anyway here are some photos.

The completed front

Opened to show the inside of the pocket

The back

And a close up of the back

This was an enjoyable stitch and had enough variety of specialty stitches to keep me totally involved.
Tonight I want to begin assembling the large frame for The Historic Countries Sampler - I plan on making that the project for 2011 but am itching to get started now; right now -  as in immediately!   But I had better get my priorities straight.   I haven't yet decided on the menu for Christmas Day, nor made the shopping list, nor wrapped the remaining presents.    Well, after all completion of stitching goals is an essential isn't it?!
Have a good evening everyone.

Saturday 18 December 2010

Better late than never!

Today I managed to find time to put up the tree and such as it is we are now officially in the Festive Spirit!

We now officially have the angels singing and Joy fills the house  - well at least it decorates the tree.
The panel behind these angels was stitched with love by the Half Deaf Half Blind Elderly Mother!

These three angels were gifts from Kazumi (on the left) and Mother (on the right) and the poor forgotten angel in the middle, well I can't remember where she came from.   The tall pink angel spins and plays delightful music while the other two have only unharmonious bell clangers.   Never mind -  in my house they sit silent!

And a selection of tree ornaments

Obviously I have a fetish for dating stitched ornaments - and these next ones were from JCS Christmas Ornament Issues.  The series must have come to an end in 2008 as I haven't stitched one since then.  2009 was the Gingerbread Ornament from Victoria's Sampler - in the shot above.
And the sampler on the wall was stitched originally to give away but once done I couldn't part with it.

This was from an old Antique Sampler Quarterly magazine (in the days when I subscribed) and was stitched in pure silks.  It was heaven to stitch and I still enjoy looking at it every day.

The Bargello Sewing case and the Sewing machine must meet tonight and the journey to completion will begin.

Good night all

Friday 17 December 2010

Belated Birthday and Early Christmas

Today has been a day for gifts.   First up the postman brought me a surprise package from my friend Sonoko -  an assortment of things Japanese as a belated birthday gift.   Included in the package and not shown in the photo was a wonderful letter from her too which "re-formed neural paths" in my brain which I feel is not retaining the language I struggled so hard to learn.   Now that I do not work for a Japanese corporate there are less opportunities to read and write in that language so I am very thankful to my friends who continue to believe that I can read and write as well as them!
Chocolates, caramels, Japanese toys and most welcome pen

Then, at work, this beautiful casket arrived -  filled with Christmas chocolates and accompanied by cognac.   Who needs chocolates when there is a box for grabs?   My boss was delighted to keep his alcohol and chocolates and I am delighted with the casket which I can already visualize lined and filled with needlework tools and embroidered accessories.   Wasn't this a wonderful start to Christmas presents!!
View from the top

And a view from the front

On the stitching front I have completed the Bargello Sewing Case and tonight will tack out the construction lines.   This item needs a classy lining so tomorrow I will go out shopping and with 14 days left in this month I may yet be able to complete everything within the year.  

Have a happy evening everybody

Monday 13 December 2010

No strawberries but an answer for Melodee

Thank you for all the lovely comments about the strawberries.   I am sorry for all of you who are in winter now -  but we have had that and it's our turn now for sun!   Tonight's fruit was beautiful sweet watermelon and the promise by weatherman Jim of 27 degrees tomorrow, 19 degrees tonight and 90% relative humidity.  Do you know, I think snow would be great just right at the moment!   Shall I send the humidity to you?

Melodee, Thanks for your comment.   The "Quaker look" ornament was from the July/August 2009 Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornament Preview edition.   Instead of white on red,  I stitched red on white and this week it will be mailed off to my niece for her tree.

Here's a photo of the cover -  in case you want to go looking for the magazine.

Good night all.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Strawberries - and summer temperatures

It's strawberry time in NZ.   Hot summer days and delicious strawberries.   Both in my dinner and in my needlework!   And just for the record I prefer the edible variety.   The sheer quantity of Queen Stitches in the stitching strawberries is a major test of patience.  Today has actually been rather too hot and humid and to cap it all we are promised a "tropical night"!!

Here is a more complete snapshot - in faith I have already stitched the date and I am on track to make this true.

Have a good night everyone.

Friday 3 December 2010

An update on the Bargello Sewing Case

Good evening all.   Friday evening and I am exulting in having two days to myself!   Well apart from a long list of chores that is - but still I am glad to have the time to myself.

Progress has been slow on the second "page" of my sewing case but here's a shot of where I am up to.
You can see the panel left for the lettering and so my energies are expended on this next....

Yes, I have to chart my name and the date.   This chart was done in 1994 so basically I need to graph the whole line - Margaret S finished Dec. 2010   Perhaps my faith is too great but as the lettering is in petit point I won't be undoing it.

Well that's all for tonight folks.  Hope you have a great evening