"But I want this" I cried - no response.
"I need this" I pleaded and still no response.
Eventually after much persuasion I managed to force out enough money to purchase a hank of Cinnamon floss from The Sampler Thread.
But never one to back off when convinced I have the upper hand, this determined shopper journeyed on to the next store - Wild and Woolly Yarns - where Mother was persuaded to part with a substantial sum of money for several kilos of yarn, none of which will be made into sweaters for me :-(
Mother's Purse, although descended from the same bloodlines as Wallet is so much more cooperative and fully realises her place in the overall scheme of things!
"See Wallet, it's really easy. You just open your mouth a little and the money comes out quite painlessly".
"Yeah right!", says still uncooperative Wallet.
Determination still not exhausted at this point, we came back across the Harbour Bridge to yet another LNS and after a stern talking to, Wallet whispered "OK then some fabric will be minimum pain. Go ahead" and so very quickly while I still had cooperation I hastily purchased four lengths of Belfast linen and two of Cashel.
"Boring" said Wallet and maybe they are to such an uncooperative companion. However if Zweigart will persist in producing linens with such subtle shades of colour differential what is a girl to do. Do I want antique white, country cream, ivory, beige,? Of course I want them all!!

Wallet is now sulking, so I have made friends with Credit Card in preparation for the next Stash Adventure.
On the stitching front I completed this pink Quaker Odds - MAY - which, in the fulness of time (and dependent on other outside factors such as Christmas preparations) will become a box top. I'm stitching on opalescent Lugana and in the photo the sparkles really show up. I'm quite pleased with the way this has turned out so far.
Also started Midnight Stitching's "Faith Hope and Love" and it is half "Love"-ly at the moment so not yet at photographing stage. I blame the world of stitching bloggers for the way in which my needlework projects are breeding. Up until last year I was a "finish one then start the next" stitcher and now I am most certainly converted to the "finish one and start three more", which syndrome I blame on all you wonderful folks out there.
And finally one philosophical question to finish - is it really true that sitting quietly stitching will increase iron levels in the blood or do I really have to eat liver and spinach and kilos of red meat???
Oh Margaret I must get some of that lovely sparkly fabric! I too have been shopping, I am just going to take some photos of my stash and post them on my blog.
Lovely design by the way!
Hi Margaret,
This is the first time I've come across your blog. I'm fairly new to the blog world (< 2 mos) so I'm still stumbling around like Alice in Wonderland.
I really enjoyed this post and it certainly made me laugh - always a good thing! I will spend more time with it later this week. Almost time to close down shop for the night. Cheers!
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