Monday, 18 January 2016

My new favourite tool....

Over the years since a friend gave me this little tool I have not actually used it much.   But, tonight it has been my new buddy:-)
My friend's husband was very keen on wood turning and he made these beautiful little wooden handles poked a tapestry needle into it (eye portion in the wood) and they are the most fantastic 'unpicking assistants'.   Yes!   I have been reverse stitching tonight so I am off to do the dinner dishes and hope to recover my stitching momentum during that break.   Wish me luck.   This is the base of the thimblepod.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a lovely gadget but I'm sorry you had to use it!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely tool. Hope your stitching momentum recovered and that the pretty tool can be put to rest.

Gillie said...

What a clever idea, well done for not using it much. I, on the other hand.....!

kimstitch3 said...

how that little tool