Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Brain exercises

For Christmas I gave the HD3QBEM a Sudoku a day calendar -  choice based solely on the font size.
When unwrapped and the cellophane removed we both were shocked to find that these are not only the standard 3 x 3 sudoku square.  Some are 'mammoth', some are 'giant', some are 'extreme' etc etc
Anyway she is enjoying them don't you think?


cucki said...

Aww she is so sweet..I can see she enjoying herself so much xx
Big hugs for her xx

Anonymous said...

She looks really awesome! I'm really happy she makes some minds training, not only sitting and watching TV or complaining about being old. That's very good.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I used to do a lot of Sudoku! Just recently I've been doing jigsaws on a iPad app. You can vary the number of pieces to make them easier or harder.

Shebafudge said...

I love sudoku...I'm sure she'll have great fun with them all :)