Thursday, 21 February 2013

A Happy Meeting

At New Year Kazumi came to visit me and with her, by a happy chance, she brought her new and wonderful point and shoot camera.   I had been planning to update my elderly Pentax and rather fell in love with her nifty Nikon.
Tomorrow I am taking the HD3QBEM on a mini road trip up north and coming along with us will be my new camera. I plan on testing it out so hopefully there will be something to show you on my return.
Anyway all this reminded me of the cute little Japanese five yen coin I have that is crafted to show the Japanese phrase for a happy chance.   Happy Chance = Go En  which by a "happy chance" is exactly the same pronunciation as Five Yen!
So somewhere many years ago I purchased this cute little souvenir.

Can you see the tiny couple in the central hole of the coin.   They are grains of rice painted to look like a Japanese Bride and Groom in traditional wedding garb.
Anyway, enough trivia for the night.   This is merely to note that I will be missing from Blogland over a long weekend but will definitely be back with reports and photos next week.


cucki said...

aww very nice..enjoy your road trip and have lots of fun..
big hugs x

Lee said...

Have a nice weekend hope the weather is kind to you both.

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Have a great time and enjoy the new camera. It's always fun to try out a new piece of equipment.

Cassandra said...

What a fun coin! Enjoy your vacation!

Fiona said...

Love your souvenir. Enjoy your new camera and I look forward to a photographic tour of your trip.

Karen said...

Really cute little souvenir. It's hard to believe someone was able to paint a grain of rice to portray a couple! Enjoy your weekend and playing with the camera. :)

Pamela said...

Can't wait to see photos from your weekend adventure! I love the happy chance/go en.

Nicola said...

Enjoy your trip and happy shooting. Looking forward to seeing the results