Saturday, 22 August 2020

Magnetic Personality

 For quite some time now I have been growing more and more irritated at this -  wherever I am someone else always wants to be on those exact GPS coordinates.    In the car park -  another driver always wants the car park I have indicated I am turning into.   On the footpath -  if I keep to the left so do all the other pedestrians and I have to move aside.   In the Supermarket -  other shoppers always want the trolley I have stretched my hand out to take and my position in the aisle is always the favourite of the other shoppers nearby.  At the bank - other customers step ahead of me in the queue with a bob of their head which I interpret to mean 'sorry'.   Even at the library - other clients put their hand out for books I have laid on the table beside the checking out machine while I fumble with my library card    Excuse me!!!   That's mine!!!     What. Is. It????   Is it my magnetic personality?   Is it my short-fused temperament?  

Currently I am considering purchasing a bicycle and am aware that this aware phenomena will no doubt pursue me on the cycleways also where I will well feel less protected.   The DBEM thinks I should not get a bike - "you're an adult woman and I shouldn't tell you what to do but...."    However I have problems with my left heel and ankle that are curtailing my walking at present and the physiotherapist has suggested a bicycle.   I may go to the store and investigate.   Currently the weather is not really conducive to such activity.

Anyway - enough ranting.   Today has been a beautiful day despite the weather forecast for rain and I managed to clean some of my outside windows and do some gardening in the vegetable beds.   All is well in that part of the world :-)

Tonight I will help the DBEM with her knitting and finish off one of the books I have downloaded.   So a quiet and restful day


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

It's called being a woman - we are invisible once we turn 30!
A bike is a great way to get about, just make sure you wear a helmet and cover your limbs to protect them if you do take a spill. Now I sound like your Mother!

jen said...

I a afraid I must agree with Jo - once over 30 we are invisible. A bike sounds like a wonderful idea and so "green". Have fun!

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

I know that feeling of being 'invisible' too :) . If you get a bike, just be careful when dismounting. Ten years ago I fell over when dismounting and dislocated and broke my ankle!

Wanda McColl said...

It's not a nice feeling but I just decide in my head that they are in more of a hurry than me or they have forgotten their manners! Enjoy your bike!

Leonore Winterer said...

A bike is a great way to get around, and I can't see any reason why you shouldn't get one!