Friday, 11 May 2018

Four weeks at the new office

Today marks four weeks at the new office and I have been able to walk to and from work each day.
Who says that walking isn't good for the legs-  look at how long and thin mine have got? (NOT!)
We are promised a wet weekend so tonight I have kitted up three Christmas ornaments and tacked out a new project.   Photos of the new starts will be available tomorrow.


Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Loved reading about your MOm's donation and how wonderful she must have felt.
That sewing cabinet looks like a dream piece. Wow, can't wait to have a look at it.
So good for your body to be walking like that. Kudos!

Pamela said...

Time flies! I look forward to seeing tomorrow's photos.

Ann at Beadlework. said...

I hope you're feeling the benefit of the walking Margaret, it must be doing you good.

Leonore Winterer said...

Walking to work every day is nice. I could walk to school and university throughout all my studies - now that I work, I try to use my bicycle as much as possible