Wednesday, 21 January 2015

And tomorrow I go to the prison...

Today I have been busy.
First,  I finished all but the initials and date of the back panel of the Sampler Casket.   Milestone number one achieved :-)
Second,  I made a start on my Guild project -  the Sweet Strawberry Bag.   I rather like this.   A band sampler bag is just what the doctor ordered.   The rows are started so I can continue on at Guild meeting and not have to consult the chart all the time.   Clever preparation n'est-ce pas?
Third, as a reward to self I started a small hardanger trial piece.   The fabric is a coarse even weave from stash and I am using Perle #8 thread to try out this stitch taken from the Anchor Book of Hardanger. I want to make a hardanger piece in red for a ruby wedding anniversary so am trialing both the stitch and the fabric.   Currently the jury is out.   I will finish the piece but may not use either stitch or fabric for the final gift.
Today's extras were to take the HD3QBEM to another yarn store where we found a 30% off sale and suffered a consequent accumulation of stash :-)   I picked runner beans from the garden and froze them.   This year's crop is not as abundant as last year but it is still fun to grow some of my own produce and to be able to enjoy it throughout the year.
This afternoon I received forms from the Department of Corrections that needed to be filled out and signed so tomorrow I go to the prison to deliver them to the person in charge.  While I may be a "preferred candidate" there are still many hoops to be jumped through before the job is mine.   
On Monday I went for an interview for an accounting position with the City Council in their water control board.   I'm to hear within two weeks if I am successful.   


Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Your projects are beautiful! Enjoy your down time Good wishes and positive thoughts with the job search

llknbillburg said...

Well at least it must be good to have options. And in the meantime, you're getting a lot of lovely needlework done!! Laura

Ruth said...

Fingers crossed for the Water Control Board :)

Love the progress!

Pamela said...

The bag start is great and you are so clever to start the bands, so you can continue at the meetings without the chart!

Anna van Schurman said...

Good luck with the job search. Your casket is looking lovely.