Confession time - it is September and I have only just made a start on my August Christmas Ornament for the 2009 Christmas Challenge.
This is a freebie from Victoria Samplers and I'm substituting just about every thread and using a piece of raw linen I had in my cupboard. I'm enjoying it and hopefully will finish this week.
Today is really cold but bright and sunny. I must get out to the garden and plant my Amarylis in the soil - I am sure they are tired of their pots and will do better in the garden.
Then its off to the hospital again with something to tempt my mother's appetite for dinner. Last night's hospital offering was a dismal failure: cabbage (Mother can't eat that) corn kernels (Mother can't eat corn), some sort of a quiche type thing heavy on onion (Mother can't eat onion) and mashed potato. I felt awful sitting there while she tried to be a real Pollyanna about the unappetising meal that was served. So tonight I will see what I can do. Fortunately the hospital is only about 10 minutes drive away - it probably takes as long to walk from the carpark to the ward as it does to drive from home to the car park!!
Hope you all have a great weekend. Talk to you again tomorrow may be.
By the way Coni's dog Stewey has a new hairstyle you can see here. Her blog will give you a laugh a minute! Do go visit.
I am sorry to hear you and your mum are going through so much. I thought hospitals gave a sort of choice menu card each day. Hope it gets better soon and your mum recovers ;-)
Lovely start on the ornament.
Please pass my best wishes to your mum and tell her to get well soon.
That is going to be a gorgeous ornament!Can't wait to see the finish!
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