Sorry this is picture heavy but there's a lot to tell you. On Saturday I went to the Regional Day for Embroiderer's Guilds. Around 250 women together for the day - what a noise!

Around the edge of the hall, various embroidery supply retailers had "temptation depots" set up. Very few resisted the chance for stash acquisition.

It was great fun seeing what others had done, showing off articles from the various guilds, listening to speakers and enjoying each others company. I was rather taken with this Christmas Tree - hence the close up photo. But others had done some beautiful traditional work too. All quite inspiring.

I finished off both PIFs over the weekend and is in the mail today - first day of Spring! These daffodils are proof :-)

I need to get a couple of goodies for the other one so it will start its journey later this week. Also stitched on a couple of exchanges but no pictures of those yet!!
Wendy Jo and I met on the Crazy Exchange and she sent me out of the blue a blue thread keeper. I read her blog and found that she likes red so made her a chook! It has arrived so I can show you all here. I fell in love with this bird and had a hard time parting with her so will have to stitch her twin sister for myself I think.
The meeting looks like being true fun, Margaret! I would love to take part of something like that...=)
The chook's so lovely! Really neat! Congrats!
Lovely chook! My friend also stitched this one - it's a lot bigger than I imagined it to be!
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