Friday, 28 January 2022

Mastering Picots

 Although hardanger is my first love I am self taught and have always struggled with picots - even following Janice Love’s book I found myself always dissatisfied with the uneven results.   Just how did one get them all the same size?   I asked several other stitchers who almost without exception said “ picots are really easy; it’s just practice”.   Not. Helpful.   So I decided to never do picots and the years have passed by with that resolution basically kept.

But, I recently fell down a YouTube traphole and found Yvette Stanton’s video of hardanger picots.   I watched over and over and tried to follow but somehow in the time between looking at the screen and then doing the stitch I forgot what I had seen😂.  Nothing daunted, I checked and my local library had her book in which was printed step by step instructions.   NOW I can say I have imprinted on my memory the method doing a knotted picot and I’m super happy with the results.   So….new resolution.   I will not do loop picots and only do knotted picots.   With almost every stitch I say to myself, “I’m so happy I’ve learned to do these”.   

So…Thankyou Yvette Stanton.   Three cheers for your generosity in sharing your skills.


Frugally challenged said...

Your work looks wonderful with or without picots

Queeniepatch said...

What a happy feeling that must be. It is so frustrating to want to do something and it doesn't work. Then when you find another instruction you can do it all of a sudden. Enjoy your picot making!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Congratulations on mastering knotted picots, I too love hardanger.

Cynthia said...

Margaret, I too, have struggled for years with picots. Can you tell me which book of Yvette Stanton's you used? I think I may give that a try. Your picots look lovely. Glad you were able to master them. Thank you. Cynthia

Heritage Hall said...

Oh Margaret ~ Your hardanger is exquisite and you have truly mastered the knotted picot
What wonders you will create in the future. Best to your beloved Mom...

Astrids dragon said...

I have never done any hardanger before, yours is so beautiful! How wonderful to find that book at your library.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

I wish my picots were as good Margaret.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Your hardanger is always lovely and your picots look beautiful. I am glad that you found a solution to the problem!

Leonore Winterer said...

Yay for starting the new year of with learning a new skill! That's always fun.