Friday, 3 July 2020

Signs of Spring

This morning was a hard, white frost but a glorious fine day followed.   The miniature daffodil bulbs I brought down with my from Auckland and planted here have grown and are certainly no longer miniature.  They have taken to their new home and produced buds way too early so I took pity on the them today and picked the "just burst" buds and brought them into the warm room where they obliged by opening up and reminding me that Spring will surely come.
In the afternoon a friend visited and brought a bunch of Paper White Jonquils which I am also enjoying.   The DBEM says she cannot smell the fragrance but I can and it is pleasant.
And tonight I stitched some more on the bird.   If I can maintain momentum tomorrow I should finish this one and that leaves only four birds to go.   I see it is three months since I began this piece so all in all progress is good although this may not be completed this month :(
This week lunches have been soups :  Leek and Potato, Curried Parsnip, Pumpkin and Apple and then today I made miso flavoured vegetable soup.   The DBEM has a very delicate digestive system and little agrees with her so it has been chicken soup and scones for her until today when she happily tucked into the miso soup.   I on the other hand have enjoyed trying our some new recipes and combinations.   Next week I plan on trying a Smoked Fish Chowder.

Until next.


Heritage Hall said...

The birds are simply beautiful and well worth all your effort. On to the next...
That photo of the sweaters is stunning..
Cheers to your DBEM..she is amazing and
what a generous project.

jen said...

Thank you for contributing some peace and gentleness in a world that seems to be increasingly conflicted and apprehensive. The daffodils look so cheerful and you and your mum's use of your skills for others is inspiring. i have just read your 2013 post on Brain Day and the science of happiness and found it most interesting. Take care both of you.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I also enjoy the smell of jonquils. I love how they flower in winter, just to let us know that spring will soon follow along.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Beautiful Spring flowers. We are supposed to be having Summer but it's so rainy.
Nice progress on the birds, we have a blackbird family here at the moment.

Leonore Winterer said...

How crazy to think that you are just moving into spring while we are in the midst of summer! Great progress on your birds.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

I find that fresh cut flowers in the house are cheerful, especially if they have a perfume. Good progress on the birds.