Sunday, 3 March 2019

Relatively consistent

The temperature chart has been relatively consistent orange and yellow these past two months.  
Night time temperatures are dropping now and hopefully daytime will follow suit so there should soon be more green appearing.   This sure is a fun way to make the daily TV weather exciting!


Leonore Winterer said...

Which reminds me, I have to work on this again! Yours looks great.

Margaret said...

We had one green day this week but on the whole are still in the orange/yellow scale. Cooler mornings now though so there is an autumn feel in the air

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

It's so funny to see the reverse of our temperatures! Hope you are seeing the cooler days now.

Margaret said...

We are still in the orange/yellow scale Jo but that will change. The nights are cooler but not yet cool enough for me!