Saturday, 18 August 2018


The DBEM and I went to a city park today which is actually a working farm and 
Lambs + Daffodils = Spring.  QED


Frugally challenged said...

Definitely no daffs here! What lovely signs of spring for you though. (And DBEM)

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Oh Margaret, how lovely to see the lambs.

Sandy said...

The picture/saying about being there with my buds,LOL.....that's cute and funny.
<a href=">Sandy's Space</a>

Margaret said...

The DBEM has been unwell and needed to get out of the house so I was thankful for a fine day.

Margaret said...

The lambs are really cute Ann, but isn't that true for the young of most species;-)

Margaret said...

The park caretakers have a problem with people picking the blooms and some even steal the bulbs. This and other signs are part of their efforts to ensure we all get to enjoy the flowers.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Spring is definitely springing for you. While for me, there was an Autumnal nip in the air this morning.

Margaret said...

It is still cool morning and night but the days are nice and very soon we will start Daylight Saving Time.

Leonore Winterer said...

We're slowly dipping into fall temperatures here, and I most certainly hope summer won't be back too enthusiastically. I hope your spring is there to stay :)

Margaret said...

Spring didn't come to stay, this week has been cold with lots of snow at the snowfields. But the flowers are beautiful.