Sunday, 1 April 2018

Lenten Lilies

Today was bright and sunny but the DBEM has caught my cold so didn't get out to church.   We did go for a drive to the seaside though and enjoyed the view over the mudflats:)
After completing one piece of my knitting I have returned to Arabian Nights and made a small amount of progress.
But I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms from my favourite counted work so made the decision to have another project in tandem and have started a new collection of Marken Mice.
Tomorrow is another public holiday here and I have only two items on my list of chores so will have time for another long walk as the weather lady promised it would be fine!   Hope she's correct:)
Our Lenten Lilies have bloomed prolifically at just the right time.  For a rather plain flower they make quite a display.   We are entering the season of leaves and today I swept up a large pile as well as three buckets of chestnuts from the neighbours tree.   I'm going to search for a recipe to make the wonderful chestnut puree I used to eat in Japan as the DBEM would enjoy that I think.


Ann at Beadlework. said...

The flowers are such a pure white Margaret. I hope your mum feels better, having the cold is miserable.
I still have the lovely mouse you sent to me a few years ago - I keep it safe from four legged friends.

Leonore Winterer said...

I hope the DBEM is feeling better, and that you got to enjoy your holiday along with your gorgeous stitching!