Saturday, 20 May 2017


What do they say? Measure twice cut once?  When I started the login for the pencil case I only eyeballed the width and in true Kiwi fashion "she'll be right".   But she wasn't!  Far too wide for a pencil case.
Nothing daunted I carried on, as if further depth would somehow negate the width problem.   It didn't!
So a quick trip to OfficeMax for a notebook and the pencil case will become the book cover.
Next I measured and tacked on a new base layout for a pencil case and made a start.   This WILL be a success - I hope.
And you know what - pattern darning such as this kogin has resurrected my old shoulder problems and I have a very painful right shoulder.   Don't tell the DBEM as I have to help her with her knitting quite often too😀
But I had a very enjoyable time with Ian Rankin last night - well worth the walk into the city and the student-filled bus home.


Queeniepatch said...

Your 'fiasco' will be a double success! Please take care of your shoulder, though.

Smily-Света said...

As my granny said, "the best results come out from trying to do smth with our mistakes" :)

cucki said...

My dear you are in my thoughts ..please take care
Happy stitching x

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I agree, this was meant to be! It could have been a very large pencil case but a matching notebook cover is just as good.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

You are not alone in the measuring department--I am currently re starting a project because the first attempt was a mis measurement

Leonore Winterer said...

I'm just glad your fiasco can be reused, so you'll have double pretty in the end! Boo about your shoulder, though.