Saturday 24 September 2011

A visit to the Golden Arches

Hi there everyone.   Today my hostess brushed my dress, made sure I was tidy and told me we were going out.   Now what's a girl to think?   I wondered if I was off to meet the boy friend -  well in a way I was!  Her friend Ronald.

We drove up to those famous Golden Arches and I squealed, "you have those here too".   Stupid really.   We all know they are everywhere.   Turns out her friend Ronald McDonald has lots of his places all round this country.   We went to one at Royal Oak.   No Queen, no King and definitely no Oak!!
On our way into the place she mentioned we were having Kiwi Burger.  Another squeal from me!   "You mean you eat those cute little feathery no-fly birds?"    I consulted Kiwi who was with us.

Again stupid really....turns out that these New Zealanders call anything they make a Kiwi product, hence Kiwi Burger.
Another strange thing ... these Kiwi Burgers aren't available all the time.   I seem to be considered lucky I am visiting while these things are on special promotion!

Now can you see the box says "freshly made just for you" -  she ate the whole lot!   I didn't get to taste one bit.   But she pronounced it OK and then said "I know why I don't eat McDonalds much".   Maybe Ronald McDonald isn't a really close friend?!
Anyway, I asked what made these burgers Kiwi and she told me its because of what's in them -  a beef pattie, an egg, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions, tomato sauce, mustard and beetroot.   I'm totally underwhelmed -  such a fuss over a burger!

 Not wanting to seem impertinent but in order to prepare myself I enquired where we might be going next.  Seems there's a place called Devonport just across the harbour and we will go by ferry boat next Saturday.   I'm looking forward to that so must be off to sort out my nautical outfit to wear.
Tonight the New Zealand Rugby Team - those All Blacks - are playing France at Eden Park just down the road from here.   It will be loud so I have requested ear plugs and plan on having an early night.   A girl needs her beauty sleep you know.
Talk to you all again soon.   Ka Kite Anou


Freddysmama (Kirstin) said...

Go the All Blacks!!!

How fun to see a post from NZ :) I grew up in Christchurch, now live in Sydney.

Ka Kite.

Aurelia Eglantine said...

I had *no idea* that there was such a thing as a Kiwi burger! Madame Muriel may have turned up her nose, but I was very glad to learn about it, although the egg and the onions ensure I'd never want to actually eat one :)