I also promised the half deaf half blind elderly Mother a small white pompom as a rabbits tail to complete the childs cardigan she has knitted. At the moment however the HdHbEM is engrossed in a Maeve Binchy book from the large print section of the local library and wouldn't even hear her name if called!
This afternoon I called at the local sewing centre to buy a zip and a reel of thread and somehow this found its way into my bag too! Isn't this etui wonderful?
I have promised myself that when I finish my Anne of Green Gables Book and my ABeCedaire I will stitch this. Hope I can wait that long - but as it takes Gloriana floss I will need to source that first which should give adequate time to complete the two UFO's.

So have a happy evening all of you. I'm off to make a pumpkin, chickpea and broccli curry and then settle in to a night of stitching and The Amazing Race. Be good all of you.
Your Quaker Row looks beautiful! A stitching friend just sent me that magazine and oh my gosh--what amazing stuff in it! The stitch diagrams alone are worth the cost of the book.
Beautiful stitching! That book looks amazing!
Gorgeous Quaker progress Margaret! And I'm sorry that I've just drooled all over the pages of your magazine!!!
Margaret, could you please tell me the name of the magazine and where I could order it from ? I love the design ! Your quaker is beautiful so far, I have a few to do, but I don't know if I want to do all one color. Keep up the good work. Thanks, Jo Ann
Quaker Row is coming along nicely!
I usually fold laundry while watching Inspector Barnaby, but I will try stitching the next time. I am waiting on Series 16 to arrive at my library.
Congrats on your progress!
Beautiful beautiful. Thanks fr sharing the magazine.
Hi Margret,
I'm going to email yo about the Gloriana Thread. I'm stitching this and will hae more than I need.
Shay, Dallas, TX
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