Friday, 5 December 2014

Doesn't look like an Acorn Reticule does it?

I had sorted out all the ingredients supplies to start on the Acorn Reticule recipe chart when a roadblock came into view.   The HD3QBEM asked for a hardanger book mark to include in a Christmas Card so another quick rummage through the stash and voila!  Looks good doesn't it, but nothing like acorns.

In between kloster blocks and wraps I have been encouraging the HD3QBEM to type up some mini-memoirs that her grandson had asked for.   Although winning prizes for speed typing back in the day, it was rather more agonising on a modern keyboard.   But I'm proud of her.
She did well and the 30 point font meant it was possible for her to see what she was doing and then Mr Gates performed his miracles of spell check and font reduction. Today I put the letter in the mail, complete with Grandma's shaky signature, and hopefully the postman will do his job quickly.
And now having temporarily lost interest in the Acorn Reticule I am going to make an effort to complete the Sampler Chatelaine.


Pamela said...

Beautiful bookmark, but I am very interested in the acorn. I hope you get back to it after the chatelaine. Your nephew will treasure his grandmother's story. How amazing to see her at the computer!

Queeniepatch said...

You and your Mum have produced two lovely gifts - the bookmark and the Recollections of Days Gone By.

Blu said...

What a lovely bookmark!

Anna van Schurman said...

That's fantastic for your mother to do it. It's so important to get this stuff written down!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

The hardanger bookmark is beautiful! What a treasure--wish I had asked my Grandmother to write some of her stories (memories)

Karoline said...

Beautiful bookmark. Well done to your Mother for getting the stories down