Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Patchwork Progress

I remembered my promise-to-self and made a start on stitching together the hexagons.  Wanting this runner to be totally random I decided to make each 'flower' different and tonight's progress is this
While I am convinced I will never become a patchworker, this type of piecing appeals to my frugal nature and uses up lots of little pieces from my fabric bin.  My vision of a granny quilt looks as if it might be possible so I am happy.  
Back to The Mermaid's Chest tomorrow night....


cucki said...

they all looking so lovely..
happy day hugs x

Pamela said...

This is great! I recognize a green and two red Christmas fabrics you shared with me!

stitchersanon said...


Ann at Beadlework. said...

Patchwork can be fun Margaret and your hexagons look so perfect.

Bonnie said...

As a passionate quilter, I must say your hexagon flowers look might good to me!

Heather said...

It is looking great!