Saturday, 27 April 2013

Ornament SAL Update for April

This month my reminder email got lost in the blue nowhere so I am a day or two late loading this.
My Christmas Ornamental Strawberry!  Silver Lotus has my grateful thanks for making me so organised with the Christmas gift ornaments for nieces and nephews.


Virpi said...

Beautiful finish.

Pamela said...

What a sweet ornament!

cucki said...

So sweet x

Heather said...

It looks great! And the reminder didn't get lost, I forgot. I'm really sorry!

Fiona said...

Very pretty.

Karen said...

I have a pattern for making strawberries, but am nervous to try it. I've heard they are quite finicky to put together. Your's turned out beautifully by the way! :)

Unknown said...

Sweet finish!

Anna van Schurman said...

So jealous--you've been much more successful than I. We're all blaming the hurricane. ;)