Wednesday 7 October 2020

President's Challenge

 Each year the Embroiderer's Guild has a challenge, issued by the president, and displayed at the AGM at the beginning of December.   My current Guild in The New City has only around 30 members so an absence of participation would be noted.   But I am not a creative type of person to design my own piece of work; nor did I want to spend a lot of time on something I didn't really want.

The challenge was "Inspired by a Book" so after a lot of thought and the production of several new grey hairs I settled on this after having read the book The Chocolate Tin by Fiona McIntosh.

And inside the tin I will have a stitched explanation.  This is currently straining my eyes and my patience as I stitch all the lettering over one on 32 count fabric.   Hopefully this week I will finish this and put it in a bag to await the great unveiling at Guild meeting on 7 December.   You will probably hear my cries of anguish in the Northern Hemisphere if Covid lockdowns mean that meeting has to be cancelled.   Currently we are at the quasi-normality of Alert Level 1 and long may it continue.

But on the good news front the temperatures are slowly rising and we have had seven days in a row where green has been the colour of choice for my Temperature Chart.   It is good to get out in the garden and feel the warmth of the sun.   My seeds are germinating and I do daily checks to ensure that marauding snails and slugs do not get to them!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is a lovely little tin, I like the cameo.
Nice to see the warmer colours coming out on your Temperature SAL too.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

The tin is lovely. I hope your meeting goes ahead in December.

Leonore Winterer said...

That tin is a lovely idea to get this challenge done without putting int *too* much of your time. Very inspired!
I'm sure, especially with the rising temperatures, you'll make it through the next months fine without new lockdowns. Your country seems to have thing under controll pretty well!