Thursday, 7 February 2019

I really thought today would be a green day

I've had to keep a cardigan on all day so I really thought today would be a green day but.....only yellow.   The temperature SAL is going well and is definitely making the daily TV weather forecast an exciting part of my life.  Ha ha!
Here's a shot of what we look like as of today.
The DBEM is recovering but is still a mass of dark bruises.   Fortunately I've worked half days this week and have been able to look after her.  As a bonus I got to cross off more items from my cleaning list in the unexpected free time.  Today the man came to organise a repair for the shower door which got knocked off its hinges in the debacle.   Soon both house and the DBEM will be back to normal.


Heritage Hall said...

So sorry to hear about your Mom.. Hope she
recovers soon. Bless you for your devotion to her… you are quite the heroine in my book and I so admire your diligent care of her... Have a good day..

Margaret said...

Thank you. I am no heroine and have my moments and siblings! So far so good and I'm thankful she is recovering

Astrids dragon said...

One day at a time. I know those bruises take a while to heal, my Mom's did.

Margaret said...

Sure does take a while to heal. Poor old DBEM is getting quite frustrated,

Leonore Winterer said...

At least there is no more read! I hope your mum is doing okay.

Margaret said...

No we certainly don't want any more red days. Indeed I'd be happy to say goodbye to the orange too!