Saturday, 19 January 2019

Only a year late!

Inspired by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching I have made a start on a 2019 Temperature Chart.   Unlike Lowestoft, Auckland does not have such a huge range in temperature from season to season so it will be interesting to see how the colour variations show up.   This may indeed prove the claims to sub tropical climate  which Aucklander's use as an excuse for almost every garden growing hibiscus!
Progress has been slow and until tonight consisted of writing down the daily temperature.   But I now have the colours to hand and have made a start,  These are the first 10 "little squares" that form the centre of the big spiralled square and tomorrow I will catch up and be able to do one a day.   Quite achievable and will still allow time to complete the Octagonal Box - only three sides to complete now and then the final construction.
The Temperature Chart may well prove to be a depiction of the DBEM's health too -  she finds the "orange days" hard.  Today she had insufficient energy to accept the offer of a drive to a nearby park to sit in the cool of the shady oak trees. 
I on the other hand have derived an almost Calvinistic satisfaction from crossing off every last item on my Saturday To-Do list and can now go to bed happy after turning over the page in the notebook -for tomorrow's list!


Ann at Beadlework. said...

It's always good to tick off every task Margaret, I enjoy the feeling too:-)

Margaret said...

But isn't it amazing how there's always plenty of things left for tomorrow's list?!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Nice start to the SAL. I had a different colour for every 2 degrees change with a maximum of 30 and a minimum of -2 (all Celsius of course).
It will be so interesting to compare your's with mine by the end of the year.

Sandy said...

Glad you're enjoying clicking off your to do list. I've never managed to get all mine done. I believe my lists aren't really doable and it's sorta of outline maybe. I wrote down temps for a few months as I was going to do a temp ghan, haven't gotten back to the project though.
Sandy's Space

Margaret said...

We don't go any lower than about 10 degrees celsius but do get some days above thirty so I'm hoping my colour range will provide enough variety.

Margaret said...

I've settled into a new routine Sandy. As soon as the weather comes on the TV I grab my needle and thread and add the square for the day. All invites out for dinner will be refused this year as I am hooked on this SAL :-)

Leonore Winterer said...

Oh, this will be fun to see a temperature SAL from the southern hemisphere for comparison :D