It has been a while hasn't it but I have been busy. This is the packages ready for the exchange for
The Crazy Exchange. In the Northern Hemisphere it seems they say Christmas in July but here in The Antipodes we say Mid Winter Christmas. You will have to wait for another week or two to see what I stitched and sent!
Also a surprise package is on its way to Japan.
This one is not a stitched item but it is definitely a surprise. I have blanked out the name and identifying parts. But I am sure my friends will be trying to guess who is the recipient. They like you will just have to be surprised :-0
Wait and see everyone.

I have been stitching on this small needlecase. It is done in Wessex Stichery which is a "revival" of an old type of stitching from - where else but the Wessex area of the UK. A NZ embroiderer researched it and published a book on this stitchery in 2001. I was fortunate enough to do a class with her at the time. While the colours aren't true in this piece this is the
Essex Exeter Stitch so named because it reminded Gaye Eaton of the stained glass windows in the cathedrals of
that part of Britain the same name. As you can see there is a foundation row of Fly Stitch Eyelets and over top of those are Spider Webs in random position. In real life this piece is on off white Belfast Linen in shades of Blue, Purple and Green and looks a little like the inside of our NZ Paua Shell (cousins of the Abalone). I have several webs left to stitch and then the construction and this little piece can be on its long journey overseas. Now don't you wish you knew who the recipient is to be?????
What has Blogger been doing? I can't seem to get the hang of their new layout - it may make things a little hard to follow. Hope not.
Good night everyone.
I love the Wessex Stitchery, it is absolutely beautiful. I look forward to seeing it finished as a needlecase.
Hello Margaret, was wondering what that book was called and the name of the author? Would love to get my hands on it and give this a go!
The Wessex Stitchery is beautiful. I would like to know the name of the book. I have not seen any, and it is intriguing. I enjoy seeing all of the stitchery on your blog.
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