Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Some finishes, some starts and a return to a WIP

 January is passing by so quickly and we are finally enjoying hot summer weather.   So besides watering the garden daily and sitting under the shade umbrella with a cool drink, I have been busy with my needle.

First up the Noel ornament is finished.

Then I completed the pincushion from the Wedgewood set (kit from Inspirations).   I’m using this to teach myself reticella but have not fallen in love so the rest of the kit has gone into time out.

Section one of the Quaker Pocket is done.   I’m enjoying this one and the variations in the DMC 115 make it interesting to stitch.

And I started a new piece.  A Ukrainian Whitework piece but done in blue and white.   However the first motif, while it is in the correct place is not in the correct colour so this too has gone into time out until I get some Perle thread in DMC 794

My start

What the finished piece will hopefully look like

So  as some sort of penance perhaps, I decided to go back to the Kensington Square box and get that finished before Show and Tell at stitch group next month.  

And I have the first pair of Westknit socks to finish.   Oh dear, too busy!


Frugally challenged said...

Everything looks good but that Quaker pocket looks glorious!

Clare-Aimetu said...

I love that you have a time out box, I have a few things I could put in one. Good luck with your Kensington Square box

Astrids dragon said...

Oh, what a tease, nice warm weather! It's been so cold here and I'm all ready for it to be over.
Lovely finishes, Noel is very sweet.
Beautiful colours for the Quaker Pocket, and a nice start on the Whitework.