Friday, 3 January 2025

Productive start to the New Year

New Year’s holidays are quiet here and I have filled the hours with cooking, cleaning, reading, stitching, knitting and gardening.   That all sounds more productive than it really is but I do have some results to show.
First up a Christmas Ornament (I will be prepared early this year) in a colour way I’m not sure that I associate with the festive season.   I intend to finish this as a flat ornament - perhaps tomorrow?

Then I have started another project - from an Inspirations kit, this is a Christine Bishop design.   I started on the pincushion and now the border is done I need to learn Venetian Picot.   Just maybe not tonight.

And I signed up with Westknits for the Year of Socks in which I get a designer sock pattern each month.  The first has arrived and I will hopefully get yarn next week and get the first pair finished by the end of the month.   

However before that I decided to knit the scraps of sock yarn from the three pairs I knitted late last year, into children’s socks for Operation Coverup.   First pair now finished and my shoulders and wrist tell me I need to take a break.

So I have made a start on a cross stitch project  - Quaker Motif inspired small pocket pouch.   This is all done in one colour and as I had sufficient in stash I have opted for DMC 115.   So far so good.   The fabric is Permin 32 count linen colour cream.

And The Repair Shop is about to start on TV so farewell for now.


KirstenM said...

New year, new starts!

Diana said...

Love the socks!

Maggie said...

Looks like you are off to a flying start to a new crafty year, hope it continues. I've only started one thing so far, a small crochet blanket for my granddaughter's new doll she had for Christmas.

diamondc said...

Hello Margaret: I like the Noel colors, very feminine and pretty, the Christine Bishop design is lovely nice start, not sure I have ever done a Picot stitch, I am looking forward to seeing it done.
Oh my what fun a Year Of Socks, it will be fun seeing you progress with them, I hope your shoulder gets better, the Blue socks are lovely, I have never heard of Operation Cover-up, I need to look this up.
Have a lovely week.


diamondc said...

Happy New Year


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That’s a lovely ornament and I like the unconventional colours too.
A Year of Socks sounds like a lot of fun.

Leonore Winterer said...

Lots of fun new project that I am lookinf forward to seeing finished.
Westknit is known for some pretty crazy sock designs, so I'm curious how you'll get on with those!