Sunday, 10 November 2013

And a stitching update

All the little running stitches combined to make another side of my Naxos Necessaire but they gave me a severe case of "have a break start something new" sickness.  
So I looked in the 'want to do box' and found I had all the ingredients ready for another recipe and so made a start on what I am calling my "Dutch Hussif". 
You may remember I showed you the ingredients back in September?
I have made a start on the pocket for the cover. Surface stitchery as opposed to counting is proving surprisingly soothing.
What's more this is using up odds and ends of stash - threads, linen and fabric - so I am doubly happy.  A frugal new start.   What could be better?   Next will be two Dorset buttons and then it will be back to page three of my old friend, the Naxos Necessaire.
Have a good week.


cucki said...

Beautiful stitching.
And very pretty stash ..lovely fabric
Enjoy my dear
Hugs x

Ann at Beadlework. said...

You are so adventurous Margaret, I do admire your varied projects.

Chris said...

Gorgeous stitchy update!

Pamela said...

As much as I like the exactness of counted work, I agree that surface embroidery can be very soothing.

Karoline said...

Both projects are looking lovely