Tuesday 9 November 2010

Post Anne Progress

Good evening all,
Since the Anne Book completion I have stitched three Christmas Ornaments and 'finished' them only to find that I have no narrow ribbon to go around so no photos yet!   I want to do a finish-finish before I take photographs.
Then it was a case of what next?   Out of the KITS box came an ancient purchase; it was checked over and is now in my suitcase.   More on that later.   But then the problem; out of all this stash what to do next.   When in doubt consult the Half Deaf Half Blind Elderly Mother and she said that this particular item from 1994 must surely be next.   And so it is.

This Bargello Sewing Case is proving interesting and quick and so by Christmas this should be finished - at least the stitching part although construction may have to wait.   My New Year resolution is to stitch the Historic Countries Sampler and nothing will thwart me from that goal.   So I'm speeding on with this one in order to keep my stitching schedule on course.

And why the suitcase?   Well as a reward to ourselves the HDHBEM and I are off to Norfolk Island for a weeks holiday.   Having been three times before we know what to expect and stitching (for me), knitting (for HDHBEM) and lots of reading are on the agenda.   Also lots of walking (for me), swimming (for both) and exploring the island.   Don't you wish you were coming too?   See you all when we get back


Unknown said...

You have a beautiful new project.
Have a great trip.

hohla said...

Margaret! What beauty you show! Embroidery beautiful!

You good rest! Sunny and beautiful experience!

Catherine said...

Love your new project! The heck with the stitchyness in your suitcase - there won't be any room after I hide myself in there!

Ann at Beadlework. said...

What a beautiful design - which magazine was it featured in? I'd love to know.

Melissa said...

Margaret, congratulations on finishing the Anne book. How beautiful! And your new project looks very pretty with all that red!

Your vacation looks wonderful and I hope you are having a lovely time.

Phyllis said...

Have a great time! Both of you. The project looks really interesting. Take care.

Tatkis said...

Your new bargello project is beautiful! Hope to see it finished soon :)

Have a nice sunny week at the Island!

Best wishes,