Monday, 28 April 2008

Cherished Stitches is stitched

A wonderful long weekend and that warm feeling of accomplishment. I completed the Cherished Stitches basket band and purchased the lining material but sad to say the whole basket is not complete yet . This is a baaaad photo but I promise a better one of the finished product. Blame the camera!
Also made a Quiet Book for my friend Jacquie's little daughter Ruth. She really is quiet but its always a good idea to have lots to entertain her through a lengthy church service and at two years old this type of book is just right. I gave it to Ruth on Sunday and she just loved it. I am her friend for life :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog.

Yes, New Zealand is lovely. We lived there for two years in the '70s while my husband got his M. Phil (Archeology) at the University of Auckland. We have also been back there several times, most recently in 1999. We will be back there again most likely in 2010. But it is not out of the question to come back again this year. We just haven't decided.