Friday 23 August 2024


 I’m just about completed the preparation for a gift for my niece who is expecting a baby in October.   This has been a fun knit while I decided on what stitching project to do next.  Only the bands and hood to go.   They know the sex so I can put the button holes on the correct side.

And I’m preparing the linen for a piece of Naversom.   While clearing a cupboard recently I chanced upon a piece I had stitched years ago, the notes from the class and the book I bought about this technique.  

As this is stitched on a grid where threads of fabric are drawn out to create an open weave, I decided that I would use up a piece of 36 count linen which is too fine for me for any other stitching.   But my oh my, the preparation of the grid is both mindless and time consuming.   

So I prepared the fabric for another stitched box - souvenir of my days in London when we stayed very near Kensington Square.   

I was really intrigued by the rows of beautiful porticoes and decided I could happily live in an area as pretty as this!   

The designer has done well to portray that wonderful area and I’m happily reliving memories as I make crosses.


Frugally challenged said...

I think if I could afford to live in one of those porticoed houses I would be very happy Too!

Maggie said...

I bet most of those houses are now offices of some sort but wouldn't it have been lovely to live in one! The stitched box will hold very special memories of your trip to London. Wow, that lace work is impressive, I could never hope to make anything as beautiful.
That's a sweet little jacket for you great niece, lovely colour too.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Beautiful houses, it makes me think if costume dramas. Good luck with your stitching

diamondc said...

Maragret: The sweater is lovely and such a pretty color. Very interesting about the second photo, I would love to do something like that piece, lucky you found it again, the stitched box will be beautiful, love the columns on that building.


Leonore Winterer said...

That baby jacket is so cute, well done! Good look with your new stitching endevours, as well.