Monday, 5 April 2021

Update and new project

 It was a poet from my favourite Yet-To-Be-Visited destination who once said “the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley an’ lea’e us naught but grief and pain”and I certainly agree.  I’ve had rather a week.

Surgery to replace a faulty pacemaker lead was scheduled for last Wednesday and I duly presented myself at the required time and was met at the theatre door by the surgeon.   A handsome man with a full head of executive grey hair, he was as British as The Empire and such a lovely accent.  I rather fell for him!!  Until he told me he wasn’t prepared to go ahead with the surgery.  What?!   Apparently my heart has complex anatomy and the hospital here is not equipped for any of the catastrophic events he could foresee so his opinion was to wait, be referred to Auckland Hospital’s specialist cardiac unit and have the procedure done safely up there, miles away from family support.   At this point he was not My Favourite at all but there was nothing for it but to swallow my totally engulfing disappointment and make my way home to wait. 

And so I am waiting and endeavouring to use the time wisely.   Four of the little bags have now been completed although for number four I had insufficient Perle thread to do the whipping of the wave stitch but as the recipients are not, to my knowledge embroiderers, this will not be a big problem.

Some years ago I purchased a book Deruta Sfilato which despite being written in Italian is wonderfully illustrated and thus I hope to be able to teach myself.   

So I am in the process of edging a square in buttonhole stitch and then will withdraw threads to begin making one of these lovely looking flowers.   What I will do with the finished piece is unknown but I am looking forward to this adventure.  

 Meanwhile the DBEM continues to use up her existing stash of yarn which means I am becoming ever more expert in picking up dropped stitches and repairing errors.


Olde Dame Holly said...

What beautiful work and colors on your little bags. Sorry the surgery was rescheduled for away from your area, that is disappointing.

Linda Meyer said...

Sorry your surgery was postponed, but better safe than sorry! Your bags are lovely. Looking forward to seeing your progress on the new project. Sounds like a perfect excuse, reason, to have pizza or spaghetti for dinner.🤣

Margaret said...

Thank you. I rather like these little bags and am tempted to keep one for myself :)

Margaret said...

Thanks Linda. As you say better safe than sorry or as a friend said to me today, better this disappointment than a funeral notice in the paper and a service at the local crematorium :-)

Clare-Aimetu said...

Beautiful bags and that's a stunning design. I'm sorry your op did not happen, I hope you hear from the other hospital soon.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Oh Margaret, what a disappointment but probably all for the best. Hope you don't have to wait too long to get in at Auckland.
Take care, Mxx

mamasmercantile said...

How disappointing for you but better to be safe. Beautiful bags.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

How frustrating for you. It's interesting to have complex anatomy but sometimes you want to be bog standard instead!
Hope they get in touch with you soon.

Margaret said...

Thank you. I'm very pleased with the bags and am trying to decide what design to use for another couple of them.

Margaret said...

Thank you. The powers that be have classified me as urgent but are trying to decide whether I should be elective surgery or acute surgery!

Margaret said...

Thank you. As you say better to be safe, in matters of the heart ;-)

Margaret said...

Hi Jo, I have never in my life wanted to stand out from the crowd and bog standard has suited me fine so this was all rather a shock.

Sandy said...

The book looks very interesting, will be anxious to see how your work progresses. The little bags are soooooooo cute. I apparently missed what you're making them for, and or whom? So sorry you were all ready to get fixed and have to wait. When my Dad had leads replaced it was a very simple and quick deal. I don't think he even spent the night in the hospital from memory. But, it's good your Doctor is being careful.
Sandy's Space

Leonore Winterer said...

Hope you won't have to wait too long for your surgery, that must be very frustrating. That new project looks very interesting, though!

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

How frustrating. perplexing (and any other expressions you can think of) to have your operation postponed, especially when you were psyched up for it. But safety first and your well-being are the key things. Your bags look great. I don't think I've seen that style of stitching in your Italian book before. It looks interesting.

Margaret said...

Thank you.

Margaret said...

Hi Sandy, I am pleased the surgeon is being careful but I wish he'd hurry up:)

Margaret said...

Thanks Leonore, hope all is well with you.

Margaret said...

Hi Mary, thanks for your comment. I'm having fun making these bags and have found some assistance for the Italian stitching.