Friday 4 September 2020

Progress Report as promised

 Angels Song is all but finished.   I left one of the larger bands of Ukranian Stitch incomplete and ploughed on to the end of the chart.   Now I need to go back and complete that band and then stitch on the zillions of beads and buttons.   The end is in sight!   I have no idea what to do with this but it has been fun to stitch and I have thoroughly enjoyed all the specialty stitches.

And the Temperature chart -  you can certainly see that Palmerston North has cool (cold) winters.  There is so much more blue in this year's chart.   Today we were back at the favourite 14 degrees Celsius but are promised 17 tomorrow.    

And with that I need to conclude today's activities and get myself ready for bed.  


Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Angel's Song progressed quickly. My heart would sink at the thought of adding all the beads and buttons. It's not my favourite part of a project.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Angels Song is looking wonderful. Unlike Mary, I love adding the beads and embellishments! It's also a chance to double check for mistakes or missed stitches.
There's a lot of blue on your Temperature SAL, but I guess it will warm up again over the next four months?

Clare-Aimetu said...

Angel's Song looks great, you can certainly see the colour changes in your temperature sal

MargaretP said...

No international travel for a while but SBS Australia had a slow TV programme of traveling the canals of Britain on a canal boat, with camera on the front of the boat. Hours of beautiful tranquil scenery.
You may be able to find it online.Probaby BBC production.

Leonore Winterer said...

Great work on the sampler, it looks like it was a lot of fun. And I sure enjoy looking at your 'inversed' (from my perspective) temperature stitch!