Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Meet Ruby

Do you ever fall for projects in a magazine and disappear down an unexpected route?   I did that with my rag doll.
My cousin had made a rag doll for her granddaughter, complete with a whole wardrobe of clothes.  What a good idea, I thought.  Then just as I heard about Christine's creation, I saw a pattern in the English Womens Weekly magazine.  Eventually I got the enlargement done and cut out the pieces.   And only then did I realise that I couldn't stitch this on the sewing machine and everything would need to be hand made.  
Slowly the pieces came together and she began to look like a doll.  The DBEM said she needed a name so I christened her Ruby.
Creating Ruby's head of hair - and what a boring process that is - took most of one afternoon.
Conclusions from this foray....

  • Ruby will have only this one set of clothes; a dress, knickers and shoes.  The pattern called for pajamas and slippers and I did have notions of a raincoat and boots (ha ha)
  • Ruby will never have a sibling.   I am sworn off making rag dolls!!!


Frugally challenged said...

Ruby is lovely. At first glance I thought she was Japanese.

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Your comments about making Ruby made me smile Margaret. I am the opposite as I only like to sew by hand - as soon as I go near a sewing machine everything goes wrong. However, the end result is very nice.

Heritage Hall said...

LOL... I get your message...but she is
adorable and a worthy rag doll..

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Ruby is wonderful! I love her dress and the hair is worth all the time it took to make.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Ruby Rag Doll is so sweet. Once you "recover" from making her you might enjoy sewing some more clothes.

Joan said...

I made a rag doll for my daughter. We called her Alice. Alice is an only child for pretty much the same reasons that Ruby is an only child.

Chris said...

Well while you may never make a rag doll again, you've made a very good job of making this one. I have knitted several rabbits and mice and have loved doing them, but I haven't anyone else to give them to, so no point making them any more. But the pleasure was in the making, sorry you didn't enjoy your rag doll.

Sandy said...

I can't say I've done that in terms of seeing something in a magazine. But, I have sometimes taken a picture of something thinking I could, would or should make hasn't worked out that way, lol. Ruby is cute and I have it on good authority, she wants to be an only child, lol
Sandy's Space

Leonore Winterer said...

Ruby looks great! I think she will behave and not get her dress dirty, so no need for a change of clothing.

Sandy said...

Making blog rounds so thought I'd pop in and wave. Hope you're doing well.
Sandy's Space