Thursday 3 October 2024


 The top of the Kensington Square box is now done and in reality the French knots weren’t as bad as I’d feared.   Now I’m working on the exterior fence - this forms the rim of the lid.

Have also started another pair of socks in Opal Sock Yarn made by those extremely clever Germans who don’t put a word of English on their ball bands!    It is knitting up well and providing something for my hands to do while I watch the TV news each evening at dinner time.   

Yesterday I went to the library to get a book The King’s Loot only to find that it is very recently published and not yet on their shelves.   However the very kind librarian said that the acquisitions committee would purchase it and as I’d recommended the book I would have the privilege of being first to read it.   So now I wait.   This is a far cheaper way to “purchase” books, when someone else pays for them (ha ha).   

I couldn’t wait for the library with Jeffrey Archer’s latest though so resorted to a Kindle Edition and then sat up through the night to finish it.   Years ago when he visited New Zealand I went to a breakfast where he was the guest speaker and had the good fortune to be seated at his table.  What a charmer!   And I do admit to having read all the books he’s written although most have been borrowed from the library so I’ve not contributed in any great way to his immense royalties!

After several days of beautiful fine weather where we were deceived into thinking the sun had arrived to stay,  it is currently grey sky and showery but while that’s not so good for lifting spirits it is excellent for the garden and my plants are all singing their thanks.   I have at least five buds on my peony and the lily of he valley that I though I had killed has sent forth four shoots.   The Nigella seed has germinated in profusion so I will have some flowers.   

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Garden Progress

 It is Spring here in New Zealand and I am enjoying watching my maple trees burst into leaf and my potted peony is sending multiple shoots skyward.   Gardens are a real pleasure aren’t they?

Well, this garden is not such a pleasure.   French knots on Aida cloth are not easy but there are many French Knot Bushes here!   Once completed this will be the Kensington Square Box and I will look at it with pleasure and forget the gritted teeth with which the trees were stitched.

My next door neighbour brought this in to me - it’s only a month early🤣   As a consequence I began the countdown to The Great Seven Oh with shared laughter and I found others to share the cake with too.

Saturday 21 September 2024

Embroiderers Guild Workday

 Once a year our Guild has a Workday when other guilds in the region join us for a day of stitching and chat.   There is always several sales tables where we can offload excess stash (and pick up new stuff) as well as a Merchant = a nearby needlework shop brings supplies to sell to a captive audience.  Also Mr Sharp comes and we have scissors, pinking shears and garden implements sharpened for a small fee. 

Today around 90 women joined us for Workday.   I refrained from purchasing a Raffle ticket as I had supplied much of the hampers contents from my stash cupboard clean up.   And although I looked at the sales tables several times I didn’t part with any cash there either.   Indeed, all I paid for was to have a pair of scissors sharpened by Mr Sharp who was fascinated by them and only charged me half price.

While in London, Little Sister and I were browsing in Divertimenti in Knightsbridge and both bought “pen scissors” only to find that they were not sharp at all.  

Hence I took mine to Mr Sharp today and yippee they are now fit for purpose.

And chatting with the other ladies I was inspired, tempted and intrigued at many of the projects.   One lady was stitching (I must get hold of the pattern) a beautiful Quaker Pouch in My Colours.  She told me the source of the floss but she’d got the chart from a class she took so I will have to contact the designer and see if I can purchase direct for that.   Anyway, this is the thread.

Silk N Colours. Finnegan’s Fog. Isn’t that a lovely name?  

Friday 23 August 2024


 I’m just about completed the preparation for a gift for my niece who is expecting a baby in October.   This has been a fun knit while I decided on what stitching project to do next.  Only the bands and hood to go.   They know the sex so I can put the button holes on the correct side.

And I’m preparing the linen for a piece of Naversom.   While clearing a cupboard recently I chanced upon a piece I had stitched years ago, the notes from the class and the book I bought about this technique.  

As this is stitched on a grid where threads of fabric are drawn out to create an open weave, I decided that I would use up a piece of 36 count linen which is too fine for me for any other stitching.   But my oh my, the preparation of the grid is both mindless and time consuming.   

So I prepared the fabric for another stitched box - souvenir of my days in London when we stayed very near Kensington Square.   

I was really intrigued by the rows of beautiful porticoes and decided I could happily live in an area as pretty as this!   

The designer has done well to portray that wonderful area and I’m happily reliving memories as I make crosses.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Door hangers

 Three of my great nieces need a door hanger for their bed room doors so Aunty M has come up with the goods.  I hope they meet with approval:)

Now I need to decide on another project - there are plenty in my stash cupboard to choose from!

Friday 9 August 2024

I’m building Westminster…. A box!

 I have been busy stitching and now am on the construction phase.   This is never my favourite part of stitching but so far so good.

The lid is done.

The base is done.

Now the inner rim and then all will be well.

Do you like what I did in the inner lid?

But still the conclusion is that I’m not fond of 3D embroidery and I still have two other kits to do.  Maybe a palate cleanser in between?

Sunday 28 July 2024

Into routine again

 Last week was cold but fine days so the lawn got mowed and the garden got a general tidy up and I managed to get out for walks so all is good with life Down Under.

The city where I live is bordered on one edge by a large river and the council have provided a well maintained and safe river walk.   Yesterday I remembered to stop and take a photograph.

And the mailman brought the package of kits I had ordered from The Nutmeg Company so of course I had to make a start.   Before that I carefully packaged up the other projects and the linens and charts I had sorted out.  They are back in the cupboard and I’m well on the way to box number one, “Evening in Westminster”.   I’m currently working on the outer lid.  The red bus, building and lamp are on the inside of the lid. 

It is many many years since I have stitched on Aida but I can see that the stiffness of the fabric make it totally suitable for box making so I’m doing my best to ignore my preferences for pure linen and so far so good.   The instructions for both stitching and construction are very detailed and all necessary ingredients are supplied so I’m hopeful of success.

My meal plan for this week has been written, my grocery shopping is done, the daily schedule is full but not too full and next Saturday is an embroidery get together at a small town a short drive away so I intend going to that.   Yes!   I’d say that normal routine is re-established!